Day 8: Neel Gap to Hogpen Gap

I type this from my tent. I am hunkered down and snug in my sleeping bag on my soft sleeping pad. Seriously, it’s quite comfortable. The only downside is that it’s narrow which makes it hard to turn on your side. New techniques are required. You basically levitate your body off the pad, rotate and then plop it back down.

I am camped with two other people at some tent sites just north of Hogpen Gap. One guy is “Vegas” whom I started hiking with about 20 minutes after leaving Neel Gap. The other guy set up camp after Vegas and I arrived here.

I had dinner about an hour ago. Tonight on the menu was the Mountain House meal known as “Chicken and Noodles.” It is quite tasty and satisfying after a day’s hike. So with full belly I am ready for sleep, sheltered from the cold wind and rain.

My morning started at 6am with a loud alarm clock. I still had to finish packing my backpack and bounce box before my shuttle arrived at 11am. 5 hours… that’s enough to eat, pack, shower and get out on time right? Well, just barely. I made it out the door with everything on the luggage carrier headed down the hall like a mad man. Now outside waiting for the shuttle, my clock read 11am exactly. Whew!

So about a 30 minute shuttle ride placed me back at Neel Gap. I had to take my bounce box inside and have it processed for shipping to Hiawassee, GA which is my next town stop.

By 1245pm I was ready to hike on. After about 5 minutes on the trail, I realized I’d forgotten to activate my SPOT tracker. A quick stop had me correct the oversight, and was then back underway.

According to the weather forecast this morning, clouds and cold and rain were supposed to give way to sun and warmth. Well, that never happened. The entire day was socked in clouds, was windy, cold and raining. But there is nothing to do but keep hiking.

Several overlooks had their views robbed by the thick grey soup surrounding the mountains. As such there are very few photos of this day.

Vegas and I enjoyed being hiking partners. We arrived here at this camp at about 600pm. We covered a distance of nearly 7 miles today. Hopefully we’ll head out together tomorrow. I now have a 6am alarm as part of my standard day. That ensures I’m hiking by 9ish each morning. Hopefully he will have a similar start time.

My arms are about to freeze off while writing this, so I’m signing off for tonight.

wandering on and chillin’ (literally)


5 thoughts on “Day 8: Neel Gap to Hogpen Gap

  1. I caught up with your posts! You have been busy! I am thinking about caching up with you on a section or two in May (seriously). If you get time, let me know your approx. location circa May 10-20.

      • Ah, got it! You will not be in the Pearisburg, VA until after the zone that I am trying to hit. Ideally, I was going to catch up w/ you near Doc’s shelter. I will be watching though and can always change my plans. Have a great day tomorrow!

  2. hey brother glad you made it nice and safe to your next destination. Hope all is well, much love to you big brother.

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