T Minus 3 Days: Crunch Time!

As the title says… I leave for my shakedown trip in only 3 days. I have to say that I’m super excited about it but am really feeling the crunch. Let me illustrate:

All of this?!?!

All of this?!?!

See all of that? That is my gear and food for this 5 day trip – sans a couple of items. I have to find a way to make all of that fit into this:

...into that?!?!

…into that?!?!

All is not as hopeless as it appears though. Many of the items in the first picture will be compressed or repackaged. Also, I must admit to over dramatizing. Several pictured items show far more than what I will actually carry. The Folgers coffee packets for example, I won’t be taking all those boxes but only enough for five days.

The picture also doesn’t show two outstanding items: Lunch and Handy Wipes. Those will be tomorrow’s task.

Oh! This is the first blog post that has been done totally from my computer phone. Yay! (but see below. boo)

Finally… Bonus points to anyone who can identify the type of VCR in the background of photo 1.

Happy Trails…

PS… Posting this from my computer phone has been a complete disaster – from the standpoint of uploading and placing photos. I could not get this post right without resorting to a “real” computer to edit things. Not sure how that will work out next week, but I am continuing to experiment.

5 thoughts on “T Minus 3 Days: Crunch Time!

    • Impressive. Most impressive.

      Dammit! Now I have to figure out what form the “bonus points” are going to take. Suggestions?

  1. Is that the old BetaMax?

    As to the difficulties updating your site over the phone, I do have a suggestion. Send your updates from the field to someone with a computer, and have them update your site. That way, you won’t have to waste time (ergo, battery power) making it just right.

    • Danno! Yes indeed – it is an old Betamax! However, Billye beat you to the punch, so no bonus points for you. Wah, wah, wah, wah… LOL

      That’s a good suggestion – but I have a couple other things to try first. It is possible there is a theme-related issue where the theme I’m using doesn’t know how to handle the on-the-fly picture uploads I did. Also, there may be a version related issue. Finally, if it simply a problem with the wordpress app itself, I always have the fallback of using the phone’s browser (Chrome) to upload and place the images properly.

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