Day 9: Hogpen Gap to Mile 49.7 Tentsite

Once again in my tent typing my nightly post. I figure I hiked 11 miles today which is a new maximum and I did it with a late start at noon, finishing just at 7pm. That’s 11 miles in 7 hours which ain’t too bad!

The day started slow. My alarm went off at 6am as expected, but I couldn’t get up. It was dark, cold, wet and my sleeping bag was far more inviting. I finally rose about 8 45am to the sounds of Vegas and Zack getting packed up.

Vegas made it out at 930 am and was headed to Blue Mountain Shelter which is only 1 mile past where I am. Zack left at about 1130am. He’d have left much sooner if it weren’t for some trail magic we heard about!

Down at the Hogpen Gap road crossing, a large group was cooking hot dogs and giving snacks, sodas and medicine. We’ve been hearing that norovirus has already made its 2015 appearance on the A.T. Mostly it shows up at the shelters from some hikers having poor hygiene coupled with everyone touching the same stuff and using the privies. Yet another reason I mostly avoid the shelters.

Zack and I headed down to enjoy the food and drinks and talk to the trail angels. They were good people who just wanted to hear our stories and lift our spirits with some food.

With full bellies we went back to camp. Zack headed out immediately since he was packed. I still had to pack my tent. By noon I was hiking.

Zack and I leapfrogged each other a bit but eventually I never saw him again. Weird, because he’s a stronger hiker. He may have just decided on a short day.

We were both headed to Chattahoochee Gap but when I got there, it was not an inviting site. I made the hard call to hike an extra 1.3 miles to a known larger tent site. It was a really tough 1.3 miles and included about half a mile of walking over all sizes and shapes of rocks. I was getting really tired and each single step took every ounce of energy I had left. I coasted into camp on fumes.

I’m glad I extended the day though. This is a far superior site and the next water source is only 0.3 miles ahead. I have plenty for tomorrow morning’s breakfast and coffee.

Team Turtle are here. I saw them at Hogpen Gap this morning for the trail magic. They’re camped further down from where I am.

Everyone is asleep now. I can hear multiple snores in the distance. I think I will join them. Goodnight!

Wandering on…


3 thoughts on “Day 9: Hogpen Gap to Mile 49.7 Tentsite

  1. Hearing “liquid sunshine ” on my roof most of the night and looking out my screen porch to a hazy mt overcast, wanted to add a P.S. to last post. T of GA hostel runs free shuttles from Unicoi Gap, (most anywhere for a fee if you rather skip the hostel). Understand the virus thing, but the hostel looks new and clean:-) You can tent there for $10 and shower; hiker breakfast for $8. You will appreciate that all this info was on the back of their business card! Journey on!

  2. You’re getting lots of great trail magic! Your mojo is definitely working 😉

    I did a 5-mile hike to an old Indian water monument today – last time I did a hike like that was when you and I hiked around Portsmouth Island!

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