Day 11: Indian Grave Gap to Sassafras Gap

After a belly full of Chili Beef Mac, I’m about to go to sleep.

Today was tough. 8 miles of a lot of climbing zapped my energy pretty good. Voyager is on her own since I never reached the planned spot.

I climbed Tray Mountain which is among the four tallest mountains on the Georgia section of the trail. I got some great pictures and videos which you’ll see soon.

There was a trail magic stop at Trey Gap. A guy was doing hot dogs,  snacks, candy bars, soda and BEER! I pretty much had one of each.

There’s about 10 tents here in the area. I hung out with Colt, Parks, Crusoe, Slingshot and an 83 year old dude out here on a section hike! Cool collection of characters out here.

We’ll that’s all I got folks. Sorry there’s no great witty storytelling. We’ll save that for another day.

Oh, I now have 6 miles to Dicks Creek Gap instead of the 3 miles that were planned. That should take about four hours to hike. Next post will be from town. Woohoo!!!

Exhaustedly wandering on


3 thoughts on “Day 11: Indian Grave Gap to Sassafras Gap

  1. Good Morning! After reading the last 4 posts, it sounds like you’re hitting a groove despite the crappy weather. I can’t even begin to imagine. Really. It does sound like you’re meeting lots of nice folks and it must be a thrill to run across the trail angels serving up that trail magic! I’m so impressed that after you set up camp, at the end of an exhausting day, you are still posting. Let me just say; Not only are these posts vividly entertaining, they are, for me, a life saver! I’m proud and you’re loved!

    • Thanks so much mom… as much as I love writing at the end of the day, some nights it is the LAST thing I want to do. But I know if I get just one day behind, then I am screwed!!! Knowing that folks out there are enjoying the posts makes it worth it. Love you!!!

  2. Hi Kelly,

    In addition to the 4 foot map on my wall I now have a map of the entire trail broken into six parts each part is on 8.5 by 11 paper. this will help with tracking. Sounds like you are doing well.

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