Day 66: Flint Mountain Shelter to Hogback Ridge Shelter

Well, as the saying sometimes goes, “the best plans lay wasted.” My plan for arriving in Erwin tomorrow is now shot to hell. Arriving a day later is not an option either. My knee has gotten worse and it’s turned this happy-to-be-back-on-the-trail hiker into a pissed off frustrated hiker.

It’s just a little too ironic that after leaping myself over a mental hurdle and getting my ass back on the trail, that just days later I’m having a physical issue. I’d hiked 280 miles with nothing more than “push through the pain” type of pain. And now after just 36 miles out here I can barely hike. And the terrain of the past 36 miles is NOTHING compared to what ive done before leaving. So yes, I am incredibly frustrated by this turn of events.

Although i got off to an 815am start, only 2 miles into my day, it was obvious there was no way I’d make 19 miles. I mean, that was a long shot in any case. So, I’d resigned to the slower 3 day 13/13/12 mile backup plan. A little further, at Devils Gap, there was a sign for a hiker resupply store offering free rides to the store. Already in more pain than yesterday, I thought maybe they’d have a knee brace that would help. They did not have what I was after.

I did have an early lunch while there, since they had hot food. I ate a hot ham and cheese sandwich and a salad. Afterwards I got a ride back to the trail and started hiking at noon again.

With 11 miles remaining, that would put me at my intended campsite sometime between 5 and 7pm. But after continuing, the knee just got worse. Before long I abandoned the campsite as destination and aimed for Hogback Gap Shelter. Even though that shaved 4 more miles off the day, I didn’t get here until 5pm. I’d hiked 9 miles in 9 hours – way slower than my usual pace.

So tomorrow morning, my friend Wendy, who lives relatively nearby, is picking me up at Sams Gap which is where Interstate 26 crosses the A.T. I’m not sure my immediate plan afterward – I’m going to sleep on it. All I know for sure is I can’t hike the way my knee feels right now. Hopefully it just needs a day or two of rest, ice and stretching.

Hoping to be wandering on ASAP…


5 thoughts on “Day 66: Flint Mountain Shelter to Hogback Ridge Shelter

  1. Rest, Ice, it will get better and allow you to continue! I feel your pain. I just completed 25 miles in 3 days here in VA on the AT and my knee ballooned beyond recognition. You have accomplished so much.

  2. Mojo- your leg injury is likely the result of coming back too fast to high mileage and it’s good that you took a break. I hope you’ve seen a jock doc and are working a treatment plan.
    This break also gives you time to reflect on how you wish to proceed. Based on your posts, the fun of

    the trail for you is not grinding out high mileage days in the green tunnel as the heat and humidity starts to build, and the trail gets harder and more demanding. I base this comment also on my experience on the trail in n va, md and oa. n va was the rollercoaster, steep short ups/downs and pa was rolling rocks and rolling nuts in the trail ie. downhill on virtual ball bearings.
    If I were you, I’d figure I had 6 months to hike the most interesting sections of the AT and any other trails that appeal. Short hiking days of 5-7 miles and ample time to visit and kibitz and the avoidance of injury.
    While I have no doubt that barring injury you could get a long way to mt K I am not at all sure that you would enjoy the experience.
    Joe buchanan

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